Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Journal #1: Biotechnology as Art

In my opinion, using biotechnology as art is unethical. we should not be using God's own creations and messing with it to make art. It is just like the arguement about how we kill too many animals to feed ourselves. It is basically the same when we use living things to make art. In a way we are torturing the living thing to make art. We are also not respecting God when we do this because the living thing they use to create art are a part of God. We are using a part of God to make art. These artists are disrespecting God and taking these living things for granted because they are using them for something it was not meant to be used as. They are not using them for the given purpose which is helping each other live. They are using them for something fun and playful. The living things they are using are becoming a source of entertainment instead of a source of life. Artists that use biotechnology as art are using these things for the wrong purposes. These artist taking the living things purpose in the world away from the living thing. They are using it for something it was not meant to be used. Instead of using the living thing for art someone could have used the living thing to eat so they could live. Artists are also becoming some sort of a murderer in my opinion because they are killing this living thing for something being used for entertainment. Artists using living things for art can also raise the question of why are they not penalized for doing so. To use these living things for art they have to kill the living thing which can also be considered as murder because they are killing them for the wrong use. They are not using the living thing for the right purpose. Some people may see this as thinking out of the box and see it as appealing but to me it is not. To me it is just wrong. Living things are not supposed to be used for entertainment it supposed to be used to help us all live. God gave it to use to use to help us live and by using these living things for entertainment just takes away our chances to live a better and more conservative life.